La Marquisette, an aperitif best known in southern France, with an Oxfam spin. Ideally to be drunk when lounging among lavender fields or under an olive tree.
All ingredients
5 persons
- sinaasappel 1 stuks
- vanilla stick 1 stuks
- Rum 3 years old * 100 ml
- powdered sugar 200 g
- citroen 1 stuks
- lemonade * 750 ml
- white wine * 750 ml
Let's get started
The day before
Mix the white wine (preferably a dry white wine such as a sauvignon blanc from Koopmanskloof), rum and sugar.
Cut the lemon and orange (preferably organic) into small pieces. Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise. Add these to the wine, rum and sugar. Leave to infuse well overnight.
Put the lemonade (very) cold.
Moment of truth!
When you are ready for your Marquisette, pour the rum and wine mixture through a sieve into glasses. Add the ice-cold lemonade. Settle into the sunshine, santé!